To Struggle

Today I'm feeling much better, I have started to read a book and for the first
time in 6 1/2 years I can enjoy a book without a feeling of  stress, or my conscious
constantly reminding me of assignments I haven't done or exams I have to study for.
That feeling is so nice, I am slowly becoming more relaxed and I slowly can feel how
my inner peace is returning.
It is difficult to be constantly under a pressure, to be stressed.
To always fight for everything you do, nothing comes easily.
That reminds me that I have to somehow get a new hearing aid, you know when I went
to Ireland I asked the hospital for an extra hearing aid, in case my own would break it would
mean I would be deaf overthere. The hospital gave me an used old aid, that I can't hear with at all.
I hear better without it than with it, then something's wrong. 
I did call them, I even called my ear doctor, but they said that's the way it is. That is what I get.
Luckily may hearing aids didn't break in Ireland. But 3 days ago, when in work, it suddenly stopped
working, I tried to change batteries and do everything you can do yourself, but it's dead. 
I can manage at the ward where I am right now, as I'm used to the  hearing environment and the
staff is used to me. But I start my new work, in a Finnish place, in January and I do need my hearing
aids by then. I get somehow scared to not know if I will  have them or not. Now in Christmas time it's
difficult to get any help as everybody are on vacation. I'll send a mail to my hospital and my doctor to tell
them what issues I got from their decision. Their decision to not give me a proper extra aid, in case of..
I know you people might not understand or some of you might understand perfectly, but for me as a young,
hearing impaired person going out in working life, this creates a lot of stress.
That's the thoughts  for the moment!

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