To make a difference

The other day when I was in work, we had this old lady (nearly 100-years-old)
who still is clear in her head (so to speak) and who has severe neck problems,
from which she had been for a surgery. She still had shaky hands and needed
some support to try to eat herself etc. I was spending a lot of time with her that
evening in work (mostly because I was the only speaking her mothertongue).
In the end of the evening, when I had been sitting beside her and listened when
she told me about her life and how hard it feels at times, I was about to leave the
room for a while. But when I turned around to go out from the room. Then her both 
room mates were crying. I felt how my heart started beating faster and I asked them,
hey ladies what's wrong. It took some while for them to find the words and calm 
themselves down and then one of the ladies said: I've never seen a nurse like you,
never seen one who is giving time and caring like you do and listening. You're just
so wonderful and it's so touching.
They shed a couple of tears and then started smiling. I felt really good from hearing
that but also very touched. It feels so nice that you at times are appreciated for the
work you do. Days like this, I'm happy I'm taking time for my patients, not only time
for the easy patients, but also for those who need time and patience and understanding.
Thank you ladies, you made my day!