Day 1 out of 365

Ended 2013 in one of the best ways possible, spent it with
my childhood friends. An incredible and very fun evening,
for now, I can't imagine a better way of starting a new year than
to be together with these two incredible humans! :)
Thank you! (sorry ny baa, men dehär bord vi göra om).

Day 1 of this year started pretty nicely, felt happy, chatted a
bit with my Indian family while waiting for my friends to wake up.
When we were about to leave, then the original car key broke, then
I had to take the copy that was almost broken and it broke totally
as well. Too bad it broke, to be honest, it sucks. But I still feel happy,
guess I'm feeling some kind of harmony within me. The car issue will
eventually be solved sooner or later, no need to stress, afterall it is only
day 1/365!

Let's make the best out of this year! :)