Day 7 out of 365

Day 7 out of 365 have passed. The 7th of January are a special day
because it's my Dad's birthday and also the Ethiopian Christmas.
Happy Birthday Dad!
Merry Christmas to all Ethiopians!

I'm sorry for poor updates, been so busy lately.
I've been working for 6 days in a row, and it's been
evening shift every second day, meaning also
morning shift every second day.

It sounds maybe like it ain't that bad, but it's heavy
to work evening, morning, evening, morning etc and
you lose track of time as well.
When I haven't been in work, then I've been for soccer
practice or for ice hockey, or in my parents place.
Tomorrow, someone (read: me) is having a FREE DAY
that will be awesome! I have to clean my place and maybe
tomorrow is the day when I'll rearrange the furnitures in my
appartment, you never know.


1 MYLLENBERG | kärlek, livsglädje & lite svettlukt:

wow, vilken fantastisk bild!

Svar: haha, javisst ;) tyvärr e jag ju inte den skillade fotografen, men Tacka vetja Google :)

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