The World Belongs to Everyone

I went for a meeting in Helsinki, because we are interested in starting a project.
When I say we, I actually mean us, in Svenska Hörselförbundet (
the Swedish hearing association in Finland. We have a working group of people,
we are 5. Yesterday we had our second meeting about this project, it is a project
that will, hopefully, help other hearing impaired people, youths, to get an education,
to be able to work, to have a future. As a hearing person I think people tend to take
for granted that we can work and go to school, especially in the developed countries,
even we, who are like me, almost deaf, do take it for granted.

We often forget that there are places where it is worse, where they don't have anything
even close to what we have. Where there is no future if you're born with a disability of
some kind, like hearing impairment. Could you imagine that you're born with hearing loss,
nothing really differs you from the rest of the population, except that you don't hear, and yet they
hide you from the government. Because it is a shame to be born with a disability, because
the government don't want you.
This is what I have thought about, and it is facts for many people out there in the world and
mostly it is facts in the developing countries, the global south.

On our meeting yesterday a woman from FIDIDA/ Finnish Disability & Development Partnership
( participated, she told us about FIDIDA, about what they do, where they do and why
they do it. It was very inspiring to listen and I came to learn that me and this Woman shared a lot of
values. When you meet people with same kind of values, who also believes in a world for everyone
then it makes you feel so happy.

I think the World Belongs to Everyone and when I went to FIDIDAs website, that was the words
I met. I recommend you all go in there, read about what they do,reflect about life.
The project we wanna do, is a project in Bolivia to help hearing imapired youths to ge a future.