My conscience

These days I'm very seldom watching TV, if I watch then it's usually
soccer or ice hockey that I'm watching or series. This is because
nowadays they have tons of programs where you compete in being
a Master chef or the best baker in the country. These kind of shows
do make me feel bad at times. Not because I don't like what they do,
but because when I think of how expensive it must have been to set
up those kitchens, how expensive all those rare ingredients are, and how
much they probably throw away.

It makes me feel bad that we still today have so many people in this world
who can't get enough nutrition, who can't afford food for their entire family
and here we sit, watching when people make exclusive dishes or/and
pastries. I can't quite understand how people can sit and watch when someone
is making an expensive dish. While there are, at this very moment, lots of people
who is just wishing for a piece of bread.

Did you know that globally, 1 out of 6 children at an age of 5, are underweight. That
1 out of 8 people are going hungry to bed each day.(United Nations Development Programme)
It has been shown that undernutrition and infections are coexisting. Undernutrition could
lead to infections, and infections could also lead to undernutrition, it's an neverending, bad,
circle. Each year, about seven million children dies from infections that have mainly occurred
as a result from undernutrition. Undernutrition is actually impairing the immune system and
and this process is also known as NAIDS (Nutritionally Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome),
which is according to Friis (Professor of Nutrition and Health) more widespread than HIV.
Yes, I'm aware that we can't always think of others..or can we? I have been feeling really bad
lately when thinking of the children who are sick. I work with children nowadays, and to see how
quickly they become ill when not getting the nutrition (when an infection is making them lose
their appetite) then I'm just thinking further, how difficult it must be in other places where children
can't get help as quickly as e.g. here in Finland. Of course not only children, but people in general.
(For more Hungry Facts)

I'm thinking, what if we would have an campaign in September, where we, instead of
buying candy, chips, pastries or expensive food, during one week (I think more people
would participate then) would save that money that we were about to use for that stuff
and instead donate it to some kind of charity.

e.g. we could buy seeds that would be given to a family so they can grow it and get
the nutrition they need or porridge for an entire village.
There are other things of course that you could buy as an gift, for others or just because
you wanna make a change. But the point here is, why can't we pay additional attention
to this for one week. Maybe we could all of us also switch off the TV for one week, to
show that we do care. That we are worried about the Global Health.
I will work on an idea, then I will present the idea an create an event.
To be continued.