Love was when I loved you


There is nothing as beautiful as real, strong, faithful love.
Every now and then I'm witnessing love between two people,
and every time I do, I just wanna cry out of joy but also of
sadness as I know there will come a time in life when these
two won't be together for a while.
The other day in work, I was taking care of a lady and she had
brought her husband with her, or maybe he brought himself with
her as a support. They way they talked with the other patients,
the way they talked to each other, looked in each others eyes,
smiled. Said everything. There was love. The husband was telling
me, with so much love in his eyes about how they were going to go 
to their sommer cottage in the weekend, if  only, the wife wouldn't be
too tired. He told me about the flowers they had around there and every
little thing that she loved. My heart was flowing over, it was too much love
and I really had to put a strain on me to not start crying. 
They were holding hands, helping each other and there was all the time
this cuteness overload. When they left I had to shed some tears, because
what I had witnessed was so beautiful and so innocent and so much love.
They loved so much, and the happiness they were having for at least having
each other, even though things around them were going up and down.l
I don't know how to explain it, but when you see the love in other peoples
eyes, when you see them hold each others hands, even when they're in their
older years. When you see them give each other a hand when the other is finding
something to be difficult to do. When you see them love.
You just wish that one day, you will experience something like that, that
you'll find your soulmate as well. That one, who still, when you're almost
80 years old, will hold your hand, crack silly jokes and keep on cheering on
you. And telling you how much they still love you, even after all of these years.
Love more, hate less
start spreading happiness!
"Love can touch us one time
 And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone"

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