A whole new world

Today I've had a hearing aid free day, been nice to both rest my ears as well as
realize that it is so much more that I can hear with the hearing aids in my ears.
I've had them on from morning to evening since 25th of april. Yesterday in work
I found myself amazed. We were in a patient room (me and two other nurses) and
usually I never hear what the nurses say if they're in one end and I'm in the other end
of the room. They always tell their jokes and as almost every other person suffering from
hearing loss I usually just smile and pretend I know what they said (which usually ain't
a good solution). Anyway, yesterday it was a situation like that except that I actually heard
what the other nurse said, without any problem. I got really surprised. I never thought I could
actually hear like that, it's like being in a whole new world.
As well as I've been missing my hearing aids, I've been enjoying to rest my ears.
Tomorrow back to business, back to work.
        My #Widex Cros & Dream hearing aids (yes that's the names of them)

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