Game day

Today was the D-day! Because we had the first soccer game for this
season. I could tell, when I arrived to the soccer field, that it wasn't only
me who were nervous. It's good to be a bit nervous now and then, as it
kicks your adrenaline to higher levels. The game was very fun and we
all played very well and I'm still feeling my endorphin level is high.
IFS vs FC-92

Not bad, not bad at all :)
Later I was going to vote for the EU-election. Then I realized I haven't received any
ballot for the election... and I went anyway to the polling station where they confirmed
my name wasn't added to the list even. 

Why is that? Ain't I'm a Finnish citizen with the right to vote? Apparently not good enough.
Or maybe someone stole it? Learned that it's not only me who haven't got the ballot for the
election. Maybe there has to be an re-election?
Now watching the Finals in the Ice hockey world cup
Finland vs Russia (at the moment 1-1).

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