Happy Birthday

Today would have been my Granddad's 94th birthday. 
My Granddad was an amazing person (I'm sure most
of us is thinking like that about our grandparents). I
went to his grave today in order to put some flowers for
his birthday and as I stood there a lot of memories washed
over me.
I remember when I was a kid, how we use to play a lot of different games.
I remember all the stories he used to tell us, in his stories everybody were
friends, even the bears. I remember how he used to show me different places
and tell me their history as we walked by. I remember all the picnics we used
to do, he, me and my grandmother.
My granddad was an amazing person, he left footprints in my life. He made an
impact in my life. I'm missing him lots, even though it's been 7 years already
since we last met. I'm today very happy for all the time we have spent together,
for all the times I went to pay him and my grandmother a visit.
I will never forget you granddad. Thank you for all you were, are and will be in
my life.
Happy Birthday!


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