To fight our own battles

At times it is very annoying (had to think for a while before creating this sentence
especially as Finnish words came up). when people seem to forget that almost
everyone, if not everyone, are fighting their own battles. You might have the worst
day for long in your life, but it doesn't mean that the person just across you is having
it easier or harder.

We all have our battles to fight. I can't say during any circumstances that I'm having
a more difficult time than you. We all experience our problems so different. It is all a
matter of perspective. Yes we will experience very difficult times in our lives. Some might
not find it that difficult, other's might even develop periods of anxiousness.

We will have better days, we will have worse days. What every person needs is an understanding
heart around them. Who won't judge, who won't bring them down, when they need to be brought
up. To be able to see other's while being in the clouds yourself.

Furthermore, we do need to learn to have perspective to our problems. Eventually everything will
get better if we just strive for a brighter future, if we're just striving for a more positive outcome.
It might not be better tomorrow, maybe not next week, but eventually.
It might not be better tomorrow, maybe not next week, but eventually.

At times when thing's are feeling really hopeless for me, yes even I am fighting my own battles,
then I'm really trying to think of everything with perspective. Thinking of other problems that I would
find more troublesome and then I'm happy that my problems ain't that big. It is a matter of perspective
no matter if you have someone who's supporting you or if you're facing your problems alone. You just
gotta stay strong, and keep on believing that it will be better.

I just wish we wouldn't always think we have it worse than others..
We're humans, we do stupid things, stupid things happens to us,
we move on. That's life.