Chilly Chill Day
Today I've been taking it kinda easy, kind of.
I began the morning with fixing my thesis into
a Pdf file, then I went outside in the cold and
were fighting with my car who refused to open
the doors, so I had to climb in to the car through
the trunk cover. Noticed when I was inside that I
had an audience.Started the care and drove off to
the labaratory to check myself for MRSA (a test you
need to do when worked abroad in another hospital)
Then after I went to Multiprint in order to get the language
checked versions in ringbinders, then to school and uploaded
my work in Theseus.
My dad called in the evening, he's been fixing ice hockey
gear for me (supportive dad when it comes to sports, yay)
I have also started the LOVE-course (for nurses) and
counted my Credit points which seems to end up on a
number of 261 (you need 210).
p.s. I was also spending the entire afternoon with Joanna,
laughed everywhere and too much d.s

(found on google)