4 pop
Today is 4 pop (fourth postoperative day) and also monday
so Happy Monday everyone! :)
I have ever since thursday, when I had my surgery, become so
much more mobilized for every day. This morning I was for the first
time able to cross my legs and by that able to put on my sock. Last
time when I had my knee surgery (which was a far more complicated
surgery) it took about a month or two before I was able to cross my legs,
that's why I'm so excited about being able already on 4 pop to cross my

When you get knee surgery, latest by then you'll notice how much you're limited,
as the knee is doing lots of work actually for your body. But for me it was today a total
happiness to be able to cross my leg and by that being able to put on a sock without
greater problems and most of all without any pain. That's also something that's good
this time, because I'm allowed to move freely according to my pain, so I'm aware that
nothing should break or get dislocated. As soon as I get the stitches removed I'll go
straight to the Public swimming pools for some water running and then after some time
I'll be able to also go back to Spinning, which I'm waiting a lot for.
I'm actively trying to walk in the stairs to get my flexibility in my knee and that is also
something that's improving every day, I have also been out for short walks with our
little dog who is extremely happy to go for extra rounds every day. In between I'm using
a lot of ice and keeping my foot in a high position. Then the facts are also that, your knee
will never become better or more flexible unless your work actively for it. It's completely
natural that it feels stiff and soar in the beginning but if you working on it, it will eventually
get better. So, if anyone out there also had a knee surgery, don't give up, it might be tough
in the beginning but it will get better. Just remember to use enough pain killers and ICE (it
pays off to have a couple of ice bags already loaded in your freezer). :)

That was this morning's update from me, now it's time to work on some material for
my lovely team!