An Update

(Picture found on Google)
Hello everyone wherever you are :)
Been quite some time since I posted anything here. This is due
to that I've been too busy to have time, as well as patience to write and
post something on here. My New Year's resolution is therefore
not going so well ;)
Anyway, what have I been up to since March?
Well I have mainly been very busy with work, but also
with soccer, as I mentioned earlier I signed a contract with a
soccer team so have been attending the soccer practices
as well as been training on my own (takes plenty of time).

(Picture found on Google)
I'm also part of the youth committee in the Red Cross so have
been attending a lot of meetings and courses and events. It's very
interesting to be part of the Red Cross and to know what's actually
happening and what can I do to make a difference.
I'm also part of my own hearing organization's board so also been there
for meetings and planning future events etc. And I'm also part of the
IFHOHYP's Study Session Committee, so was actually in Brussels some
weekends ago, was an amazing time to meet all friends from all over the world
who have similar experiences like me.The meeting was awesome as we got
so much done and so many discussions. I'm also still in Our head organization in
a work party for the project in Bolivia (but will be interesting to see if it will proceed
as the Finnish government is considering to cut down the aid money).

(Picture found on Google)
Further on, I'm still having a bunch of assignments (yes I know I've been talking
a lot about the assignments instead of actually doing them) for the Master's in
Global Health. But as I'm now on sick leave for another two weeks (I've got a
stress fracture aka split shins) I was planning to finish the assignments and try
to get a better routine in my busy days, so that I won't be too stressed. I also hope
to get the motivation to write more posts here about things that crosses my mind.

(Picture found on Google)
Good news: I have been reading about 5 books since January, which is a great success.
Feel free to leave some comments and/or ask questions!
To be continued...