Busy January
Enjoying a cup of coffee while I try to chill on the same time.
Very tired. Started My new work last week and it has been very
challenging. The hospital where I work, is very Finnish speaking
and since day 1 I have been talking Finnish 8 hours a day (those
of you who knows me, know that the Finnish language is not my
strongest side).
But I improved for every day, and if it continues like this, then I will
for sure learn a lot. I have also learnt a lot about my home ward and I
believe I will enjoy it to be there. The incoming week I will start the
introduction to another ward, where they can book me if they have
shortage of people. So incoming week will also be challenging, new
people and new routines and different kind of patients.
This weekend I started to move out from Vaasa, was there all day
yesterday, But have to go one more time at least to fetch the last
things and to clean the appartment. Was for soccer this morning
and after one hour I'll go for this year's first hockey training.
Enjoy your day people!