Back then
Today I'm having a day when I'm missing the places I've been to.
I'm thinking back on the past years, my travels to the other parts
I'm thinking back on the past years, my travels to the other parts
of the world, thinking back on my experiences, memories and all
To be traveling is good for one's personal development. I can't wait
until I'm on my way again, away from everything once again and get
to see something else for a while, experience something new to add to
my luggage of experiences.
Here below I share some photos from some of the travels I've done
during the past years, just to give you a glimpse of my memories.

Addis Ababa

At a beach when we were on our way to Hawassa.

Me, at some resort wearing a traditional dress

Dublin, the view from my bedroom window.


The crew :)

Wicklow mountains
India, Chennai

Bay of Bengal

A park in Chennai

Ganesh and the others ;)

Savita & Ram :)

A blurry picture of Bhuvana and me at the wedding :)

Henna tattoo

Indian star tortoise

Baby elephant :)

At the beach, was so beautiful

Kakum national park

At a Public swimming pool in Accra
Hong Kong

The view from my hotel window, the 52nd floor

At the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ying (my room mate) and me

Everyone from the INSPIRE-group :)

This picture describes the trip to Germany very well, it was all about soccer combined with amazing friends!

The hot river

My sis, who I visited

Eldur :)



Life on a sailing boat - awesome

France, Strasbourg

The very focused reflection group