Good evening everyone,
had another free day today, has been awesome.
Slept almost 10 hours (for the first time after 3 weeks)
and it felt awesome, even that I almost got more tired.
But my body was happy at least, to get rest. Especially
as 7 shifts will follow after today.
Been buying food and paying bills (salary day, yay).
Then my family (- bro) came for moving-in-coffee.
Even Viggo (the white fella) joined. My mum met my
Even Viggo (the white fella) joined. My mum met my
babies for the first time, and my babies (the parrot babies)
were wild, and still are. My mum had wished to take pictures
of them, but forgot her camera.
I got some flowers from the family and some food (THANKS A LOT).
and we had a really nice time, with lots of talking and coffee drinking.
We discussed the future, and studies. I have applied to a school, but
will tell you more in case there will be something with it. :)
Anyway, HAPPY-mode on! :)
Everything wil be fine!
Everything wil be fine!

(my babies outside their cage, flying around and they LOVE the sombreros) :D