I never knew I couldn't hear

Now I have been using my new hearing aids for roughly 1 month and some weeks. That
has been the most weird weeks of my life. I have learned so much about myself.
I have always thought my hearing has been pretty good, even though I have easily got tired
after a day with other people etc. Since I got these new hearing aids I have experienced that
when I take them off, I can't hear anything. It both scares me and makes me relieved.

Yesterday I met the people who is fixing my hearing aids and making sure I get the correct
volume and so on. I told them about this experience that I, when taking my hearing devices off,
can't really hear anything.
The guy told me then, when you find "the perfect match", your body will finally be able to relax
as you don't have to be so tensed and actively trying to hear. What happened is that my body
learned to relax and to take it easy. Therefore not trying to hear every single sound. Which, is the
reason of the silence. wow.

It feels so weird to actually finally found "the ones". I actually had lost hope, since I'm been using
hearing aids for about 17 years of my life, but never have I wanted to wear them more than necessary
as I experienced that I could hear far better without. I have several friends (with hearing loss) who have
always put on their hearing aids the first they do in the morning and I have always wondered how that
would be, to actually feel like that. For me it has always been a feeling of "do I really need to use these?"

My hearing is also so different from "normal hearing impaired" so I guess that has also caused some
struggle in making a match. But now I found a match. I hear things I never thought I'd be able to hear
and I'm feeling less tired, happier and more relaxed than I have done for the past years.
I doubt anyone can understand the overwhelming feeling I'm feeling. I just hope that everyone who suffers
from any kind of hearing loss would be able to feel the same feeling as I do.
Thank you Widex! Thank you Finland!
Thank you Europe! :D
Thank you Europe! :D