What would you rather want: Freedom OR Free care?

(picture from Google)
At the moment I'm studying through the Open university, on the side of work,
on a Master's program: Global Health, via this programme I receive a lot of
interesting matierial.
What would you rather have: Freedom OR Free care? That's something
you could give a moment to think of for a while. What is more important?
What is freedom? Health Care is quite expensive, especially in the US where
people often are kind of reluctant to seek help due to the health insurances that
everyone ain't having etc. In Finland everybody has the right to health care, we've
a pretty fantastic health care system. In Cuba they have something alike to Finland,
except that they're a a so called dictatorship.
(picture from Google)
I was watching a clip from Youtube, an interview with Che Guavara's daughter.
She's saying a lot of things that I've to admit I agree with. You do need to prevent
diseases to keep the costs down and not wait until the diseases occure. Human life
is priceless.
In the interview Moore is bringing up that Americans might think that they (Cuba)
have free health care, but they don't have freedom. Che Guavara's daughter then
responds that according to her freedom is a feeling within, to be able to say what you
want, to have someone that is considering one's opinion.She also says that: might be
you (the Americans) are free to say whatever you want, to yell etc, but who acknowledges
you? Who implements what you're saying into something if it needs to be done?
She is also talking about showing respect for other humans and cultures.
Further on, the daughter of Che Gueavara says that America is one of the most
mislead countries in the world and that is harmful for them. She also says that
Americans aren't aware of the power they have as a nation, as when it came to
the Vietnam war. Even though there were protests all around the world, there were
no changes until the Americans united and said: enough is enough.
Moore then asks from her: why do you think the American people would listen to you,
you're a communist?
I have to agree that I think the American people are very mislead, many of them (let
us not have prejudices against everyone) seem to think they know more than they do.
They don't see the world in the same way. For the America is amazing, but there's so
much that they don't have..that we have, out here in the world. I believe we all could
learn from each other if we only could stop with all the violence, start respecting each
other, each other's cultures, religions, lives.
Also interesting to think of: What is freedom?
Feel free to comment here below what freedom means to you!
Footnote: I don't encourage communism in any way, nor dictatorship. BUT just because someone is a communist doesn't mean they can't be right about some things. You need to be able to listen to everybody, no matter of the politics, religion, culture. So that's what I do, I listen.

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