To be hearing impaired


Did you know that the estimated time for some with a hearing impairment to
get help is about 7 years? Why on earth is it like that? First of all, a hearing
impairment is nothing to be ashamed of, it will only feel harder if you deny it.
Also, I think it is unecessary to always feel tired, having head aches, tensions
in your neck and shoulders as well as to get eventual tinnitus. All that, just because
you don't wanna realize you might have a hearing impairment.
Nowadays there are so many nice hearing aids that is helping you (I'm a living
proof of that, I got my first that functioned as well as suited me after 17 years) so
the technique has improved AND today's hearing aids have so much better
sound quality and are also very discreet.
You are NOT alone, only on this earth there is about 360 million who suffers
from hearing loss.
But WHY is it so hard to get help earlier?
Have a lovely Friday :)